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Using a Saraff.Twain.DS.BitmapSource simplifies the creation of a Data Source, if it returns a bitmap. A Saraff.Twain.DS.BitmapSource overrides a OnImageNativeXfer, OnImageMemXfer and OnImageFileXfer methods. Below is a simple example of a data source that returns a black square 100x100 96dpi RGB24.

Step 1. Define a class of a Data Source

    96f, /*ICAP_PHYSICALWIDTH (DevicePropertiesAttribute or DataSource.OnCapabilityValueNeeded(CapabilityEventArgs))*/
    96f, /*ICAP_PHYSICALHEIGHT (DevicePropertiesAttribute or DataSource.OnCapabilityValueNeeded(CapabilityEventArgs))*/
    96f, /*ICAP_XNATIVERESOLUTION (DevicePropertiesAttribute or DataSource.OnCapabilityValueNeeded(CapabilityEventArgs))*/
    96f)] /*ICAP_YNATIVERESOLUTION (DevicePropertiesAttribute or DataSource.OnCapabilityValueNeeded(CapabilityEventArgs))*/
[ImageLayout(0f, 0f, 1.04167f, 1.04167f)]
[PlanarChunky(TwPC.Chunky,DefaultValue = TwPC.Chunky)] /*ICAP_PLANARCHUNKY (PlanarChunkyAttribute or DataSource.OnCapabilityValueNeeded(CapabilityEventArgs))*/
[PixelType(TwPixelType.RGB,DefaultValue = TwPixelType.RGB)] /*ICAP_PIXELTYPE (PixelTypeAttribute or DataSource.OnCapabilityValueNeeded(CapabilityEventArgs))*/
[XferMech(File = true)/*ICAP_XFERMECH*/, MemXferBufferSize(64*1024U /*64K*/)/*TW_SETUPMEMXFER.Preferred on DG_CONTROL / DAT_SETUPMEMXFER / MSG_GET operation*/]
public sealed class SampleDataSource:BitmapDataSource {

Step 2. Initialize a capabilities

Because in our example uses the fixed values of the capabilities, we set them manually.

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SampleDataSource"/> class.
/// </summary>
public SampleDataSource() {
    this[TwCap.XResolution].Value=new float[] { 96f };
    this[TwCap.YResolution].Value=new float[] { 96f };

Step 3. Override a OnEnableDS method

/// <summary>
/// If showUI is <c>true</c>, the Source should display its user interface and wait for
/// the user to initiate an acquisition. If showUI is <c>false</c>,the Source should
/// immediately begin acquiring data based on its current configuration (a device that requires the
/// user to push a button on the device,such as a hand-scanner,will be “armed” by this operation and
/// will assert MSG_XFERREADY as soon as the Source has data ready for transfer). The Source should
/// fail any attempt to set a capability value (TWRC_FAILURE / TWCC_SEQERROR) until it returns to
/// State 4 (unless an exception approval exists via a CAP_EXTENDEDCAPS agreement).
/// Note: If the application has set showUI or CAP_INDICATORS to <c>true</c>, then the Source is
/// responsible for presenting the user with appropriate progress indicators regarding the
/// acquisition and transfer process. If showUI is set to <c>true</c>, CAP_INDICATORS is ignored
/// and progress and errors are always shown.
/// Note: It is strongly recommended that all Sources support being enabled without their User
/// Interface if the application requests (showUI = <c>false</c>). But if your
/// Source cannot be used without its User Interface, it should enable showing the Source
/// User Interface (just as if showUI = <c>true</c>) but return TWRC_CHECKSTATUS. All Sources,
/// however, must support the CAP_UICONTROLLABLE. This capability reports whether or
/// not a Source allows showUI = <c>false</c>. An application can use this capability to know
/// whether the Source-supplied user interface can be suppressed before it is displayed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="showUI"><c>true</c> if DS should bring up its UI.</param>
/// <param name="modalUI"><c>true</c> if the DS's UI is modal.</param>
/// <param name="hwnd">For windows only - Application window handle.</param>
protected override void OnEnableDS(bool showUI,bool modalUI,IntPtr hwnd) {


Step 4. Override a Acquire method

/// <summary>
/// Acquire bitmap image.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The bitmap image.
/// </returns>
protected override Bitmap Acquire() {
    // return new image 100x100
    var _image = new Bitmap(100,100,PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
    return _image;

Step 5. Use a DataSourceAttribute

[assembly: DataSource(
    Country = TwCountry.BELARUS,
    Language = TwLanguage.RUSSIAN,
    MaxConnectionCount = 64)]
